Difference between revisions of "Theory of Stochastic Signals"

From LNTwww
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{{Collapse1| header=Probability Calculation
{{Collapse1| header=Probability Calculation
| submenu=  
| submenu=  
*[[/Einige grundlegende Definitionen/]]
*[[/Some Basic Definitions/]]
*[[/Mengentheoretische Grundlagen/]]
*[[/Set Theory Basics/]]
*[[/Statistische Abhängigkeit und Unabhängigkeit/]]
*[[/Statistical Dependence and Independence/]]
*[[/Markov Chains/]]
{{Collapse2 | header=Discrete Random Variables
{{Collapse2 | header=Discrete Random Variables
*[[/Vom Zufallsexperiment zur Zufallsgröße/]]
*[[/From Random Experiment to Random Variable/]]
*[[/Momente einer diskreten Zufallsgröße/]]
*[[/Moments of a Discrete Random Variable/]]
*[[/Binomial Distribution/]]
*[[/Erzeugung von diskreten Zufallsgrößen/]]
*[[/Poisson Distribution/]]
{{Collapse3 | header=Continuous Random Variables
{{Collapse3 | header=Continuous Random Variables
*[[/Probability Density Function/]]
*[[/Cumulative Distribution Function/]]
*[[/Expected Values and Moments/]]
*[[/Expected Values and Moments/]]
*[[/Gleichverteilte Zufallsgrößen/]]
*[[/Uniformly Distributed Random Variables/]]
*[[/Gaußverteilte Zufallsgrößen/]]
*[[/Gaussian Distributed Random Variables/]]
*[[/Exponentially Distributed Random Variables/]]
*[[/Exponentially Distributed Random Variables/]]
*[[/Further distributions/]]
*[[/Further Distributions/]]
{{Collapse4 | header=Random Variables with Statistical Dependence
{{Collapse4 | header=Random Variables with Statistical Dependence
*[[/Zweidimensionale Zufallsgrößen/]]
*[[/Two-Dimensional Random Variables/]]
*[[/Zweidimensionale Gaußsche Zufallsgrößen/]]
*[[/Two-Dimensional Gaussian Random Variables/]]
*[[/Linearkombinationen von Zufallsgrößen/]]
*[[/Linear Combinations of Random Variables/]]
*[[/Auto Correlation Function (ACF)/]]
*[[/Auto Correlation Function (ACF)/]]
*[[/Power Density Spectrum (PDS)/]]
*[[/Power Density Spectrum (PDS)/]]
*[[/Kreuzkorrelationsfunktion und Kreuzleistungsdichte/]]
*[[/Cross-Correlation Function and Cross Power Density/]]
*[[/Verallgemeinerung auf N-dimensionale Zufallsgrößen/]]
*[[/Generalization to N-Dimensional Random Variables/]]
{{Collapse5 | header=Filtering of Stochastic Signals
{{Collapse5 | header=Filtering of Stochastic Signals
*[[/Stochastische Systemtheorie/]]
*[[/Stochastic System Theory/]]
*[[/Digitale Filter/]]
*[[/Digital Filters/]]
*[[/Erzeugung vorgegebener AKF-Eigenschaften/]]
*[[/Creation of Predefined ACF Properties/]]
*[[/Matched Filters/]]
*[[/Wiener–Kolmogorow Filter/]]

Revision as of 17:01, 12 October 2021

This third book of our learning tutorial deals in detail with stochastic signals and their modeling.

  • Knowledge of stochastic signal theory is an important prerequisite for understanding the following books, which focus on transmission aspects.
  • Knowledge of the first two  $\text{LNTwww}$ books, which include the representation of $\text{ Deterministic Signals}$  and the description of  $\text{Linear Time-Invariant Systems}$  is helpful for understanding this book, but not required.

The course material corresponds to a  $\text{lecture with three semester hours per week (SWS) and two SWS exercises}$.

Here, first, is an overview of the contents based on the  $\text{five main chapters}$  with a total of  $\text{28 individual chapters}$.


Neben diesen Theorieseiten bieten wir auch Aufgaben und multimediale Module an, die zur Verdeutlichung des Lehrstoffes beitragen könnten:

$\text{Weitere Links:}$

$(1)$    $\text{Literaturempfehlungen zum Buch}$

$(2)$    $\text{Allgemeine Hinweise zum Buch}$   (Autoren,  Weitere Beteiligte,  Materialien als Ausgangspunkt des Buches,  Quellenverzeichnis)