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== Die Professur „Leitungsgebundene Übertragungstechnik” und der LNT==
== The Professorship »Line Transmission Technology«==
Das ''Fachgebiet'' &bdquo;Leitungsgebundene Übertragungstechnik&rdquo; (LÜT) wurde 2004 etabliert, als der ehemalige LNT&ndash;Doktorand [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/Beteiligte_der_Professur_Leitungsgebundene_Übertragungstechnik#Prof._Dr.-Ing._Norbert_Hanik_.28am_LNT_von_1989-1995.2C_bei_L.C3.9CT_seit_2004.29|Norbert Hanik]] an die TU München zurückgekehrt ist und als dessen Leiter berufen wurde.
Aber schon seit den 1960er Jahren hat der Lehrstuhl für Nachrichtentechnik unter der Leitung von Professor [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/Lehrstuhlinhaber_des_LNT#Prof._Dr.-Ing._Dr.-Ing._E.h._Hans_Marko_.281962-1993.29|Hans Marko]] sehr inrensiv und auch erfolgreich auf diesem Gebiet gearbeitet.  
The subject area&nbsp; &raquo;'''Line Transmission Technology'''&laquo;&nbsp; $\rm (LÜT)$&nbsp; was established in 2004,&nbsp; when the former LNT doctoral student&nbsp; [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/LNTwww_members_from_LÜT#Prof._Dr.-Ing._Norbert_Hanik_.28at_LNT_from_1989-1995.2C_at_L.C3.9CT_since_2004.29|&raquo;Norbert Hanik&laquo;]]&nbsp; returned to TU Munich and was appointed as its head.&nbsp; In 2014,&nbsp; this field became the&nbsp; &raquo;Associate Professorship of Line Transmission Technology&laquo;.&nbsp; More information on the&nbsp; [https://www.ce.cit.tum.de/en/lnt/research/associate-professorship-of-line-transmission-technology/ &raquo;'''LÜT homepage'''&laquo;].
2014 wurde aus diesem Fachgebiet die ''Professur'' &bdquo;Leitungsgebundene Übertragungstechnik&rdquo;. Nähere Informationen finden Sie auf der [http://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/research/associate-professorship-of-line-transmission-technology/ Homepage].
==Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Hanik (at LNT from 1989-1995, at LÜT since 2004)==
Organisationsmäßig sind drei Forschungsgruppen in einer [http://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/home/ Lehr- und Forschungseinheit] zusammengefasst, dem ''Institute for Communications Engineering'', nämlich
* die Arbeitsgruppe [http://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/research/chair-of-communications-engineering/ LNT] von Professor [http://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/people/professors/kramer/ Gerhard Kramer],
* die Arbeitsgruppe [https://www.ei.tum.de/en/lnt/research/associate-professorship-of-line-transmission-technology/ LÜT] von Professor [http://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/people/professors/hanik/ Norbert Hanik], und
* die Arbeitsgruppe [http://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/research/assistant-professorship-of-coding-for-communications-and-data-storage/ COD] von Professor [http://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/people/professors/wachter-zeh/ Antonia Wachter-Zeh].
==Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Hanik (am LNT von 1989-1995, bei LÜT seit 2004)==
[[File:n_hanik.jpg|165px|right|Norbert Hanik]]
[[File:n_hanik.jpg|165px|right|Norbert Hanik]]
Norbert Hanik wurde 1962 im bayerischen Wemding im Donau–Ries geboren und studierte ab 1983 an der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der TU München mit dem Schwerpunkt Nachrichtentechnik. 1995 promovierte er bei Prof. [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/Lehrstuhlinhaber_des_LNT#Prof._Dr.-Ing._Dr.-Ing._E.h._Hans_Marko_.281962-1993.29|Hans Marko]] am LNT über &bdquo;Nichtlineare Effekte in der optischen Signalübertragung&rdquo;. Danach arbeitete er am Technologiezentrum der Deutschen Telekom AG auf dem Gebiet der optischen Übertragungstechnik, seit 1999 als Leiter der Forschungsgruppe „Systemkonzepte photonischer Netze ”. 2002 war er als Gastprofessor am Forschungszentrum COM der Technical University of Denmark (TUD) in Kopenhagen.
Norbert Hanik was born in 1962 in the Bavarian town of Wemding in the Donau-Ries region and studied at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Technical University of Munich from 1983 onwards, specializing in communications engineering.&nbsp; In 1995, he received his doctorate from Prof. [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/Chair_holders_of_the_LNT_since_1962#Prof._Dr.-Ing._Dr.-Ing._E.h._Hans_Marko_.281962-1993.29|Hans Marko]] at the LNT on &raquo;Nonlinear effects in optical signal transmission&laquo;.&nbsp; He then worked at the Technology Center of Deutsche Telekom AG in the field of optical transmission technology,&nbsp; since 1999 as head of the research group &raquo;System Concepts of Photonic Networks&laquo;.&nbsp; In 2002, he was a visiting professor at the COM Research Center of the Technical University of Denmark (TUD) in Copenhagen.
Mit Wirkung zum 01. April 2004 wurde Norbert Hanik auf die Professur für „Leitungsgebundene Übertragungstechnik” an die Fakultät für Elektro– und Informationstechnik der TUM berufen. Er kehrte damit nach neun Jahren in Berlin an seinen Heimatlehrstuhl zurück. Nach dem Tod unseres Lehrstuhlinhabers Prof. [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/Lehrstuhlinhaber_des_LNT#Prof._Dr._Ralf_K.C3.B6tter_.282007-2009.29|Ralf Kötter]]  wurde Norbert Hanik im Frühjahr 2009 zum Kommissarischen Leiter des LNT bestellt.
With effect from April 1, 2004, Norbert Hanik was appointed to the (current) professorship for &raquo;Line Transmission Technology&laquo; at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TUM.&nbsp; He thus returned to his home chair after nine years in Berlin.&nbsp; After the death of our chair holder Prof. Ralf Kötter,&nbsp; Norbert Hanik was appointed acting head of the LNT in Spring 2009.
Die Schwerpunkte seiner Forschungstätigkeit liegen auf den Gebieten der Modellierung, der Simulation und der Optimierung von Komponenten, Subsystemen und Übertragungsstrecken optischer Übertragungssysteme und optischer Netze.
Innerhalb des $\rm LNTwww$&ndash;Projektes war Prof. Hanik häufig ein äußerst kompetenter fachlicher Berater. Bei einigen Büchern war er Co–Autor, zum Beispiel bei „Lineare zeitinvariante Systeme” und bei einzelnen Kapiteln von „Digitalsignalübertragung” und „Beispiele von Nachrichtensystemen”. Insbesondere bedanken sich die Initiatoren von $\rm LNTwww$ bei Norbert, dass er unser Lerntutorial in seinen Lehrveranstaltungen vielseitig einsetzt.  
His research focuses on modeling, simulation and optimization of components, subsystems and transmission links of optical transmission systems and optical networks.
[https://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/people/professors/hanik/ Biographie auf der LÜT&ndash;Homepage] (in English)
[https://www.ce.cit.tum.de/en/lnt/people/professors/hanik/ $\text{Biography of Norbert Hanik on the LÜT homepage}$]  
'''His contributions to the LNTwww project''': &nbsp;
*Professor Hanik has been very supportive of the development of our learning tutorial and he has always been an extremely competent technical advisor.
*He was co-author on &raquo;Linear and Time-Invariant Systems&laquo; and on single chapters of &raquo;Digital Signal Transmission&raquo; and &raquo;Examples of Communication Systems&laquo;.
*In particular, the initiators of &raquo;$\rm LNTwww$&laquo; would like to thank Norbert&nbsp; for his early and versatile use of our learning tutorial in his lectures.
==Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Göbel (bei LÜT von 2004-2010)==
==Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Göbel (at LÜT from 2004-2010)==
[[File:bernhard.jpg|165px|right|Bernhard Göbel]]
[[File:bernhard.jpg|165px|right|Bernhard Göbel]]
Bernhard Göbel, 1978 in München geboren, beendete 2004 sein Studium der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik an der Technischen Universität München nach Auslandssemestern in Southampton und Princeton mit einer Diplomarbeit zur Untersuchung genetischer Krankheiten mittels der Informationstheorie. Von Herbst 2004 bis Ende 2010 war Bernhard Göbel Assistent von Prof. [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/Beteiligte_der_Professur_Leitungsgebundene_Übertragungstechnik#Prof._Dr.-Ing._Norbert_Hanik_.28am_LNT_von_1989-1995.2C_bei_L.C3.9CT_seit_2004.29|Norbert Hanik]]  im Fachgebiet &bdquo;Leitungsgebundene Übertragungstechnik&rdquo;, der an der TU München dem LNT zugeordnet ist. Nach einem Forschungsaufenthalt an den Bell Labs in New Jersey promovierte er 2010 zum Thema „Informationstheoretische Eigenschaften faser-optischer Nachrichtenkanäle”. Zu seinen weiteren Aufgaben am LNT gehörte neben der Betreuung von Lehrveranstaltungen die Verwaltung des CITPER–Projekts, das von der Europäischen Union initiiert wurde.
Bernhard Göbel, born in Munich in 1978, finished his studies of electrical engineering and information technology at the Technical University of Munich in 2004 after semesters abroad in Southampton and Princeton with a diploma thesis on the investigation of genetic diseases using information theory.
Nach seiner Promotion wechselte Dr. Göbel zu der Volkswagen AG nach Wolfsburg, wo er eine Ausbildung zum Patentanwalt begann. 2014 kehrte er nach München zurück und ist nun für die BMW AG tätig.
From autumn 2004 until the end of 2010, Bernhard Göbel was an assistant to Prof.&nbsp; [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/LNTwww_members_from_LÜT#Prof._Dr.-Ing._Norbert_Hanik_.28at_LNT_from_1989-1995.2C_at_L.C3.9CT_since_2004.29|Norbert Hanik]]&nbsp; in the department of "Line Transmission Technology".&nbsp; After a research stay at Bell Labs in New Jersey, he received his PhD in 2010 on the topic of "Information-theoretical properties of fiber-optic communication channels".&nbsp; In addition to supervising courses, his other responsibilities included managing the CITPER project,&nbsp; which was initiated by the European Union.
Innerhalb des $\rm LNTwww$&ndash;Projektes wurde Bernhard immer dann eingesetzt, wenn die Autoren merkten, dass manches mit „MATLAB” doch besser geht als ohne. Des Weiteren war er ein fachkundiger Berater bei mehreren Lernvideos und Interaktionsmodulen, zum Beispiel „Dämpfung von Kupferkabeln”, „Zeitverhalten von Kupferkabeln” sowie „Viterbi-Empfänger”. Wir bedanken uns bei Bernhard auch dafür, dass er unser Lerntutorial als Übungsassistent zur &bdquo;Leitungsgebundenen Übertragungstechnik&rdquo; bei vielen Studenten der TU München bekannt gemacht hat.
After completing his doctorate, Dr. Göbel moved to Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg,&nbsp; where he began training as a patent attorney.&nbsp; In 2014, he returned to Munich and is now working for BMW AG.
'''His contributions to the LNTwww project''': &nbsp;
*Bernhard was always consulted by us when the authors realized that some things could be done better with "MATLAB" than without.
*Furthermore, he was an expert advisor for several tutorial videos and interaction modules, for example "Attenuation of Copper Cables", "Time Response of Copper Cables" and "Viterbi Receivers".
*We would also like to thank Bernhard for making our learning tutorial known to many students of the TU Munich as an exercise assistant for "Line Transmission Technology".}}
==Dr.-Ing. Tasnád Kernetzky (at LÜT from 2014-2022)==
[[File:Tasnad.png|165px|right|Tasnád Kernetzky]]
==Tasnád Kernetzky, M.Sc. (bei LÜT seit 2014)==
Tasnád Kernetzky was born in 1987 in Marosvásárhely&nbsp; (today: Târgu Mureș, Romania).&nbsp; He studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Technical University of Munich from 2009 and graduated in 2014 with a master thesis on the transmission characteristics of&nbsp; "Powerline Communication" (PLC) systems.  
[[File:Tasnad.png|165px|right|Tasnád Kernetzky]]
Tasnád Kernetzky wurde 1987 in Marosvásárhely (heute: Târgu Mureș, Rumänien) geboren. Er studierte ab 2009 Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik an der Technischen Universität München und schloss sein Studium 2014 mit einer Masterarbeit über die Übertragungseigenschaften von ''Powerline Communication'' (PLC) Systemen ab. Seit Dezember 2014 arbeitet er als Doktorand bei Prof. [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/Beteiligte_der_Professur_Leitungsgebundene_Übertragungstechnik#Prof._Dr.-Ing._Norbert_Hanik_.28am_LNT_von_1989-1995.2C_bei_L.C3.9CT_seit_2004.29|Norbert Hanik]] in der Professur &bdquo;Leitungsgebundene Übertragungssysteme&rdquo; &ndash; zunächst bis 2017 in Kooperation mit der SIEMENS AG weiterhin auf dem Thema &bdquo;PLC&rdquo;. Der Fokus seiner aktuellen Arbeiten liegt auf der Simulation nichtlinerarer optischer Übertragungssysteme mit Mehrmodenfasern und optischen Wellenleitern.
Since December 2014, he has been working as a Ph.D. student with Prof. [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/LNTwww_members_from_LÜT#Prof._Dr.-Ing._Norbert_Hanik_.28at_LNT_from_1989-1995.2C_at_L.C3.9CT_since_2004.29|Norbert Hanik]] in the professorship "Line Transmission Technology systems" &ndash; initially in cooperation with SIEMENS AG continued on the topic&nbsp; "PLC".&nbsp; The focus of his later work was on the simulation and optimization of the nonlinear optical process "four wave mixing" in multi-mode optical waveguides.&nbsp; In teaching, Tasnád was responsible for the exercises for the lecture&nbsp; "Fundamentals of Information Technology (LB)"&nbsp; by Prof. Hanik.&nbsp; Besides, he organized the&nbsp; "Advanced Seminar Digital Communication Systems". From 2016-2022, Tasnád had been involved in the system administrator of the chair computers.
In der Lehre ist Tasnád verantwortlich für die Übungen zur Vorlesung &bdquo;Grundlagen der Informationstechnik (LB)&rdquo; von Prof. Hanik. Daneben organisiert er das &bdquo;Hauptseminar Digitale Kommunikationssysteme&rdquo;.
Tasnád completed his Ph.D. thesis with the topic&nbsp; &raquo;Numerical Optimization of Ultra-Broadband Wavelength Conversion in Nonlinear Optical Waveguides&laquo;&nbsp; in October 2023. In February 2025, he was honored with the &raquo;Dissertation-Award of the TUM Department CE&laquo;. Congratulations!
Seit Anfang 2016 ist Tasnád auch in die Systemadministration eingebunden und  im Dezember 2016 hat er zusätzlich von [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/An_LNTwww_beteiligte_Mitarbeiter_und_Dozenten#Dr.-Ing._Markus_Stinner_.28am_LNT_von_2011-2016.29|Markus Stinner]]  die Aufgabe übernommen, das Studenten-Team  bei der Portierung des &bdquo;altes $\rm LNTwww$&rdquo; (Version 2) in die vorliegende Wiki-Form (Version 3) zu unterstützen.
'''His contributions to the LNTwww project''': &nbsp;
Insbesondere hat er die bestehenden Lernvideos  in moderne Formate (mp4, ogv) konvertiert, um von möglichst vielen Browsern wie Firefox, Chrome und Safari, als auch von Smartphones wiedergegeben werden zu können und er war Betreuer und Ansprechpartner bei allen studentischen Arbeiten zur Portierung der interaktiven Applets nach HTML5. Außerdem vollzog er Anfang 2018 den anstehenden Umzug des Wikis auf einen neuen Server, als auch die damit verbundenen Update&ndash;Arbeiten am Wiki.
For many years Tasnád was intensively involved in the LNTwww team as a system/web administrator,&nbsp; and is still one of the project leaders without whom nothing works:
==Benedikt Leible, M.Sc. (bei LÜT seit 2017)==
*In 2016, he took over as successor to&nbsp; [[Biographies_and_Bibliographies/LNTwww_members_from_LNT#Dr.-Ing._Markus_Stinner_.28at_LNT_from_2011-2016.29|Markus Stinner]]&nbsp; assisted the student team in porting the&nbsp; "old LNTwww"&nbsp; to the present wiki form (version 3).
*He completed the pending move of the wiki to a new server in 2018, and also the associated update&ndash;work on the wiki.
*He converted the learning videos to modern formats (mp4, ogv).&nbsp; These can now be played by many browsers, but also by smartphones.
*He was supervisor and contact person for all student work on porting the interactive applets to HTML5.
*He has done essential preliminary work to be able to generate the English&nbsp; &raquo;$\rm en.LNTwww.de$&laquo;&nbsp; version from&nbsp; &raquo;$\rm www.LNTwww.de$&laquo;&nbsp; with reasonable effort.}}
[[File:Leible.png|165px|right|Benedikt Leible]]
Benedikt Leible, 1988 in Kempten geboren, studierte ab 2010 Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik an der Technischen Universität Ulm (Bachelor) sowie an der Technischen Universität Stuttgart (Master).&nbsp; Er schloss sein Studium 2016 mit einer Masterarbeit zum Thema &bdquo;Parallelisierung von Kanaldekodierern für 5G Kommunikationssysteme&rdquo; ab.&nbsp;
==Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Leible (at LÜT from 2017-2024)==
Seit Februar 2017 arbeitet er als Doktorand bei Prof. Norbert Hanik in der Professur „Leitungsgebundene Übertragungssysteme”.&nbsp; Seine aktuelle Arbeit fokussiert sich auf das Thema &bdquo;Faseroptische Kommunikation unter Zuhilfenahme der nichtlinearen Fouriertransformation&rdquo;.&nbsp; Desweiteren ist er für die Betreuung der Vorlesung &bdquo;Physical Layer Methods&rdquo; verantwortlich und führt auch das dazugehörige Tutorium durch.
[[File:Leible.png|165px|right|Tasnád Kernetzky]]
<br clear=all>
Benedikt Leible, born in Kempten in 1988, studied electrical engineering and information technology at the Technical University of Ulm (Bachelor) and at the Technical University of Stuttgart (Master) from 2010.  He graduated in 2016 with a master's thesis on &raquo;Parallelization of Channel Decoders for 5G Communication Systems&laquo;.&nbsp;
Since February 2017, he was working as a PhD student with Prof. Norbert Hanik in the professorship &raquo;Line Transmission Technology&raquo;.&nbsp; Furthermore, he wass responsible for the supervision of the lecture &raquo;Physical Layer Methods&laquo; and also conducts the corresponding tutorial.
He completed his Ph.D. thesis with the topic&nbsp; &raquo;Fiber optic communication using nonlinear Fourier transform&laquo;&nbsp; in December 2024.
<br clear=all>
'''His contributions to the LNTwww project''': &nbsp;
*He was supervisor of students who programmed interactive HTML5/JS applets for the LNTwww in their Bachelor Thesis/Engineering Practice.
*From 2021, Benedikt led the conversion to the English version&nbsp; &raquo;[https://en.lntwww.de/Home $\text{https://en.lntwww.de}$]&laquo;&nbsp; by the student translation team. }}

Latest revision as of 16:02, 10 March 2025

The Professorship »Line Transmission Technology«

The subject area  »Line Transmission Technology«  $\rm (LÜT)$  was established in 2004,  when the former LNT doctoral student  »Norbert Hanik«  returned to TU Munich and was appointed as its head.  In 2014,  this field became the  »Associate Professorship of Line Transmission Technology«.  More information on the  »LÜT homepage«.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Hanik (at LNT from 1989-1995, at LÜT since 2004)

Norbert Hanik

Norbert Hanik was born in 1962 in the Bavarian town of Wemding in the Donau-Ries region and studied at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Technical University of Munich from 1983 onwards, specializing in communications engineering.  In 1995, he received his doctorate from Prof. Hans Marko at the LNT on »Nonlinear effects in optical signal transmission«.  He then worked at the Technology Center of Deutsche Telekom AG in the field of optical transmission technology,  since 1999 as head of the research group »System Concepts of Photonic Networks«.  In 2002, he was a visiting professor at the COM Research Center of the Technical University of Denmark (TUD) in Copenhagen.

With effect from April 1, 2004, Norbert Hanik was appointed to the (current) professorship for »Line Transmission Technology« at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TUM.  He thus returned to his home chair after nine years in Berlin.  After the death of our chair holder Prof. Ralf Kötter,  Norbert Hanik was appointed acting head of the LNT in Spring 2009.

His research focuses on modeling, simulation and optimization of components, subsystems and transmission links of optical transmission systems and optical networks.

$\text{Biography of Norbert Hanik on the LÜT homepage}$

His contributions to the LNTwww project:  

  • Professor Hanik has been very supportive of the development of our learning tutorial and he has always been an extremely competent technical advisor.
  • He was co-author on »Linear and Time-Invariant Systems« and on single chapters of »Digital Signal Transmission» and »Examples of Communication Systems«.
  • In particular, the initiators of »$\rm LNTwww$« would like to thank Norbert  for his early and versatile use of our learning tutorial in his lectures.

Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Göbel (at LÜT from 2004-2010)

Bernhard Göbel

Bernhard Göbel, born in Munich in 1978, finished his studies of electrical engineering and information technology at the Technical University of Munich in 2004 after semesters abroad in Southampton and Princeton with a diploma thesis on the investigation of genetic diseases using information theory.

From autumn 2004 until the end of 2010, Bernhard Göbel was an assistant to Prof.  Norbert Hanik  in the department of "Line Transmission Technology".  After a research stay at Bell Labs in New Jersey, he received his PhD in 2010 on the topic of "Information-theoretical properties of fiber-optic communication channels".  In addition to supervising courses, his other responsibilities included managing the CITPER project,  which was initiated by the European Union.

After completing his doctorate, Dr. Göbel moved to Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg,  where he began training as a patent attorney.  In 2014, he returned to Munich and is now working for BMW AG.

His contributions to the LNTwww project:  

  • Bernhard was always consulted by us when the authors realized that some things could be done better with "MATLAB" than without.
  • Furthermore, he was an expert advisor for several tutorial videos and interaction modules, for example "Attenuation of Copper Cables", "Time Response of Copper Cables" and "Viterbi Receivers".
  • We would also like to thank Bernhard for making our learning tutorial known to many students of the TU Munich as an exercise assistant for "Line Transmission Technology".

Dr.-Ing. Tasnád Kernetzky (at LÜT from 2014-2022)

Tasnád Kernetzky

Tasnád Kernetzky was born in 1987 in Marosvásárhely  (today: Târgu Mureș, Romania).  He studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Technical University of Munich from 2009 and graduated in 2014 with a master thesis on the transmission characteristics of  "Powerline Communication" (PLC) systems.

Since December 2014, he has been working as a Ph.D. student with Prof. Norbert Hanik in the professorship "Line Transmission Technology systems" – initially in cooperation with SIEMENS AG continued on the topic  "PLC".  The focus of his later work was on the simulation and optimization of the nonlinear optical process "four wave mixing" in multi-mode optical waveguides.  In teaching, Tasnád was responsible for the exercises for the lecture  "Fundamentals of Information Technology (LB)"  by Prof. Hanik.  Besides, he organized the  "Advanced Seminar Digital Communication Systems". From 2016-2022, Tasnád had been involved in the system administrator of the chair computers.

Tasnád completed his Ph.D. thesis with the topic  »Numerical Optimization of Ultra-Broadband Wavelength Conversion in Nonlinear Optical Waveguides«  in October 2023. In February 2025, he was honored with the »Dissertation-Award of the TUM Department CE«. Congratulations!

His contributions to the LNTwww project:  

For many years Tasnád was intensively involved in the LNTwww team as a system/web administrator,  and is still one of the project leaders without whom nothing works:

  • In 2016, he took over as successor to  Markus Stinner  assisted the student team in porting the  "old LNTwww"  to the present wiki form (version 3).
  • He completed the pending move of the wiki to a new server in 2018, and also the associated update–work on the wiki.
  • He converted the learning videos to modern formats (mp4, ogv).  These can now be played by many browsers, but also by smartphones.
  • He was supervisor and contact person for all student work on porting the interactive applets to HTML5.
  • He has done essential preliminary work to be able to generate the English  »$\rm en.LNTwww.de$«  version from  »$\rm www.LNTwww.de$«  with reasonable effort.

Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Leible (at LÜT from 2017-2024)

Tasnád Kernetzky

Benedikt Leible, born in Kempten in 1988, studied electrical engineering and information technology at the Technical University of Ulm (Bachelor) and at the Technical University of Stuttgart (Master) from 2010. He graduated in 2016 with a master's thesis on »Parallelization of Channel Decoders for 5G Communication Systems«. 

Since February 2017, he was working as a PhD student with Prof. Norbert Hanik in the professorship »Line Transmission Technology».  Furthermore, he wass responsible for the supervision of the lecture »Physical Layer Methods« and also conducts the corresponding tutorial. He completed his Ph.D. thesis with the topic  »Fiber optic communication using nonlinear Fourier transform«  in December 2024.

His contributions to the LNTwww project:  

  • He was supervisor of students who programmed interactive HTML5/JS applets for the LNTwww in their Bachelor Thesis/Engineering Practice.
  • From 2021, Benedikt led the conversion to the English version  »$\text{https://en.lntwww.de}$«  by the student translation team.