Imprint for the book "Theory of Stochastic Signals"

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Five main chapters with a total of 28 chapters (files) and 166 sections (pages);   93 Exercises  ⇒   Scope:  "$\rm 3L+2E$"
Development of the German version:   2011–2015.       Development of the English version:   2021.      Last corrections:   November 2021

  • Basic materials   ⇒   Lecture notes of LNT/LÜT:  [Söd88][1][Söd12][2];  –  Textbooks:   [Söd93][3];    [Dav87][4][PP09][5]
  • Participating students in chronological order:      Martin Winkler (2001), Yven Winter, Reinhold Sixt, Jürgen Veitenhansl, Franz Kohl, Bettina Hirner, Ji Li, Markus Elsberger, Thorsten Kalweit, Thomas Großer, David Jobst, Matthias Niller, Veronika Hofmann, Carolin Mirschina, Noah Nagi, Ji Woo Hwang (2022)


  1. Söder, G.:  Aufgabensammlung zu „Statistische Methoden der Nachrichtentechnik”. Lecture notes, Chair of Communications Engineering, TU München, 1988.
  2. Söder, G.:  Simulationsmethoden in der Nachrichtentechnik.  Internship notes, Chair of Communications Engineering, TU München, 2012
  3. Söder, G.:  Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung von Nachrichtensystemen. Bd. 23. Berlin – Heidelberg: Springer, 1993. ISBN 978-3-54057-215-2.
  4. Davenport, W. B.: Probability and random processes. An introduction for applied scientists and engineers. New York NY u.a.: McGraw-Hill, 1987. ISBN 0-07-015440-6
  5. Papoulis, A.; Pillai, S. U.: Probability, random variables, and stochastic processes. 4. Aufl. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill, 2009. ISBN 978-0-07122-661-5