Welcome to the English version of LNTwww
"$\text{https://en.lntwww.de}$" is an e-learning tutorial for Communications Engineering with nine didactic multimedia textbooks including exercises with solutions, learning videos, and interactive applets. It is offered by the "Institute for Communications Engineering" $\rm (LNT)$ of the "Technical University of Munich" $\rm (TUM)$.
- ⇒ It is freely accessible, registration is not necessary and no system requirements are needed.
The German-language version "$\text{https://www.lntwww.de}$" ⇒ "$\rm L$erntutorial für $\rm N$achrichten$\rm T$echnik im $\rm w$orld $\rm w$ide $\rm w$eb" was created between 2001 – 2021 by members of our Institute. The toolbar entry "Deutsch" takes you to the German original.
$\rm LNTwww$ is based on the management software "MediaWiki", known by the encyclopedia# "WIKIPEDIA". In the following you can find a kind of "User Manual" about our e-learning tutorial. Corresponding links to the file "About LNTwww" are provided at the bottom of each page between "Privacy policy" and " Disclaimers".
- ⇒ Since we have only translated parts of the German version so far, there are still some restrictions regarding the already finished books. See list below.
$\text{Have fun and good luck!}$ We would be pleased if we could arouse your interest in our $\rm LNTwww$. We wish you a good learning success.
Munich, September 2022 $\text{Gerhard Kramer}$, $\text{Javier Garcia Gomez}$, $\text{Tasnád Kernetzky}$, $\text{Benedikt Leible}$, $\text{Günter Söder}$
List of current restrictions for the English version
- Links in not yet translated books lead to the desired target, but still with German text.
- The wiki description files of the applets are partly still in German. The actual applets themselves are in English.
- All included learning videos are in German. Due to the large amount of changes, this will stay the same.
- All variable names of the German version were taken over. Otherwise countless equations would have had to be adapted.
For example: $s_{\rm TP}(t)$ designates the transmission signal in the equivalent low-pass range (German: Tiefpass, $\rm TP)$.
If you notice any deficiencies regarding content, presentation or handling, we would appreciate it if you let us know by e-mail at "LNTwww (at) LNT.ei.tum.de".