Applets to "Signal Representation"
From LNTwww
- Discrete Fouriertransform and Inverse
- Frequency & Impulse Responses
- Graphical Convolution
- Period Duration of Periodic_Signals
- Physical Signal & Analytic Signal
- Physical Signal & Equivalent Lowpass Signal
- Pulses and Spectra
- Sampling of Analog Signals and Signal Reconstruction
$\text{Some hints and tips about the HTML5/JS applets:}$
- After selecting the desired applet, a Wiki description page appears with a short summary of the content and an user interface. At the beginning and end of this description page there are links to the actual HTML5 applet.
- The HTML5/JS applets can be rendered by many browsers such as Firefox, Chrome and Safari, as well as smartphones and tablets.
- The exercises and the solutions are integrated into the applet.