Examples of Communication Systems

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Brief summary

In the last book of our  »e-learning series  $\rm LNTwww$«  it is shown by  »realized and in their time commercially successful messaging systems«  that the theoretical foundations of the previous eight books are quite relevant for practice.

Here are some keywords from the book contents:

  1. $\rm ISDN$  $($»$\rm I$ntegrated $\rm S$ervices $\rm D$igital $\rm N$etwork«$)$:  Objectives & characteristics,  services & features,  basic access & primary multiplex access,  broadband ISDN;
  2. $\rm xDSL$  $($»$\rm D$igital $\rm S$ubscriber $\rm L$ine«$)$:   Historical development and standardizations,  reference model,  ADSL, VDSL and HDSL,  WAM and DMT realization.
  3. $\rm GSM$  $($»$\rm G$lobal $\rm S$ystem for $\rm M$obile Communications«$)$:  Second generation mobile communications system  based on FDMA,  TDMA and GMSK,  speech coding.
  4. $\rm UMTS$  $($»$\rm U$niversal  $\rm M$obile  $\rm T$elecommunications  $\rm S$ystem«$)$:   Third generation mobile communications system based on CDMA,  further development HSPA.


  • The basics are no longer treated in detail here,  rather, reference is made to the relevant reference books.
  • GSM and UMTS also show the transience of technological developments.  In some countries,  GSM and UMTS are already switched off after a good twenty years.

⇒   Here first a  »contents overview«  based on the  »four main chapters«  with a total of  »17 individual chapters«  and  »164 sections«.


Exercises and multimedia modules

In addition to these theory pages,  we also offer exercises and multimedia modules on this topic,  which could help to clarify the teaching material:

$(1)$    $\text{Exercises}$

$(2)$    $\text{Learning videos}$

$(3)$    $\text{Applets}$ 

Further links