From LNTwww
- The selection list is organized by book. In each book, the HTML5/JavaScript applets are listed first, followed by the SWF applets.
- At the end of this list you will find three more alphabetical lists of all HTML5/JS applets (German resp. English language) and all SWF applets (all German language).
- Here you can also find information about their special features.
- Attenuation of Copper Cables
- Causal Systems and Laplace Transform ⇒ Note: German language !
- Frequency & Impulse Responses
- Graphical Convolution
- Linear Distortions of Periodic Signals
SWF applets, based on Shockwave Flash
- Einfluss einer Bandbegrenzung auf Sprache und Musik ⇒ "Influence of a band limitation on speech and music"
- Kausale Systeme - Laplacetransformation ⇒ "Causal systems - Laplace transform"
- Phasenlaufzeit & Gruppenlaufzeit ⇒ "Phase delay & group delay"
- Zeitverhalten von Kupferkabeln ⇒ "Time behavior of copper cables"
- Binomial and Poisson Distribution
- Complementary Gaussian Error Functions
- Correlation and Regression Line ⇒ Note: German language !
- Digital Filters
- Matched Filter Properties
- PDF, CDF, and Moments of Special Distributions
- Two-dimensional Gaussian Random Variables
- Two-dimensional Laplace Random Variables ⇒ Note: German language !
SWF applets, based on Shockwave Flash
- Ereigniswahrscheinlichkeiten einer Markovkette ⇒ "Event probabilities of a Markov chain"
- Korrelationskoeffizient & Regressionsgerade ⇒ "Correlation coefficient and regression line"
- Zweidimensionale Laplaceverteilung ⇒ "Two-dimensional Laplace distribution"
- Binomial and Poisson Distribution
- Capacity of Memoryless Digital Channels
- Complementary Gaussian Error Functions
- Entropies and approximations of binary sources ⇒ Note: German language !
- PDF, CDF, and Moments of Special Distributions
- Principle of Pseudo-Ternary Coding
- Sampling of Analog Signals and Signal Reconstruction
- Two-dimensional Gaussian Random Variables
SWF applets, based on Shockwave Flash
- Einfluss einer Bandbegrenzung auf Sprache und Musik ⇒ "Influence of a band limitation on speech and music"
- Entropien von Nachrichtenquellen ⇒ "Entropy of binary and ternary sources"
- Huffman-Shannon-Fano ⇒ "Coding according to Huffman and Shannon/Fano"
- Ereigniswahrscheinlichkeiten einer Markovkette ⇒ "Event probabilities of a Markov chain"
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch-Algorithmen ⇒ "Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithms"
- QPSK und Offset-QPSK ⇒ "QPSK and offset QPSK"
- Qualität verschiedener Sprach–Codecs ⇒ "Quality of different speech codecs"
- Bessel Functions of the First Kind
- Complementary Gaussian Error Functions
- Discrete Fouriertransform and Inverse
- Frequency & Impulse Responses
- Generation of Walsh functions
- Linear Distortions of Periodic Signals
- Physical Signal & Analytic Signal
- Physical Signal & Equivalent Low-pass Signal
- Sampling of Analog Signals and Signal Reconstruction
SWF applets, based on Shockwave Flash
- DMT – Discrete Multiton Transmission
- Eigenschaften des Synchrondemodulators ⇒ "Features of the synchronous demodulator"
- Einfluss einer Bandbegrenzung auf Sprache und Musik ⇒ "Influence of a band limitation on speech and music"
- Frequency Shift Keying & Continuous Phase Modulation
- OFDM - Spektrum & Signale ⇒ "OFDM - Spectra and signals"
- OVSF-Codes ⇒ "OVSF codes"
- Prinzip der Discrete Multitone Transmission ⇒ "Principle of Discrete Multitone Transmission"
- QPSK und Offset-QPSK ⇒ "QPSK and offset QPSK"
- Attenuation of Copper Cables
- Binomial and Poisson Distribution
- Coherent and Non-Coherent On-Off Keying
- Complementary Gaussian Error Functions
- Eye Pattern and Worst-Case Error Probability
- Frequency & Impulse Responses
- Gram–Schmidt method ⇒ Note: German language !
- Graphical Convolution
- Matched Filter Properties
- Principle of Pseudo-Ternary Coding
- Principle of 4B3T Coding
- Pulses and Spectra
- Sampling of Analog Signals and Signal Reconstruction
- Two-dimensional Gaussian Random Variables
- Two-dimensional Laplace Random Variables ⇒ Note: German language !
SWF applets, based on Shockwave Flash
- Einfluss einer Bandbegrenzung auf Sprache und Musik ⇒ "Influence of a band limitation on speech and music"
- Entscheidungsrückkopplung ⇒ "Decision feedback equalization"
- Gram-Schmidt-Verfahren ⇒ "Gram-Schmidt method"
- Lineare Nyquistentzerrung ⇒ "Linear Nyquist equalization"
- Mehrstufige PSK & Union-Bound ⇒ "Multi-stage PSK and Union Bound"
- Optimale Entscheidungsregionen ⇒ "Optimal decision regions"
- Prinzip der Quadratur–Amplitudenmodulation ⇒ "Principle of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation"
- Symbolfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von Digitalsystemen ⇒ "Symbol error probability of digital communications systems"
- Viterbi–Entscheider für einen Vorläufer ⇒ "Viterbi decider for one precursor"
- Zeitverhalten von Kupferkabeln ⇒ "Time behavior of copper cables"
- Zweidimensionale Laplaceverteilung ⇒ "Two-dimensional Laplace distribution"
- Bessel Functions of the First Kind
- Complementary Gaussian Error Functions
- Digital Filters
- Discrete Fouriertransform and Inverse
- Doppler Effect
- Frequency & Impulse Responses
- Generation of Walsh functions
- Graphical Convolution
- PDF, CDF, and Moments of Special Distributions
SWF applets - based on Shockwave Flash
- Mehrwegeausbreitung und Frequenzselektivität ⇒ "Multipath propagation and frequency selectivity"
- OFDM - Spektrum & Signale ⇒ "OFDM - Spectra and signals"
- OVSF-Codes ⇒ "OVSF codes"
- Prinzip der Quadratur–Amplitudenmodulation ⇒ "Principle of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation"
- QPSK und Offset–QPSK ⇒ "QPSK and offset QPSK"
- Qualität verschiedener Sprachcodecs ⇒ "Quality of different speech codecs"
- Binomial and Poisson Distribution
- Complementary Gaussian Error Functions
- Correlation and Regression Line ⇒ Note: German language !
- Digital Filters
- Discrete Fouriertransform and Inverse
- Gram–Schmidt method ⇒ Note: German language !
- Graphical Convolution
- PDF, CDF, and Moments of Special Distributions
SWF applets - based on Shockwave Flash
- Gram-Schmidt-Verfahren ⇒ "Gram-Schmidt method"
- Korrelationskoeffizient & Regressionsgerade ⇒ "Correlation coefficient and regression line"
- Mehrstufige PSK & Union-Bound ⇒ "Multi-stage PSK and Union Bound"
- Symbolfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von Digitalsystemen ⇒ "Symbol error probability of digital communications systems"
- Viterbi–Entscheider für einen Vorläufer ⇒ "Viterbi decider for one precursor"
- Attenuation of Copper Cables
- Discrete Fouriertransform and Inverse
- Doppler Effect
- Generation of Walsh functions
- Principle of Pseudo-Ternary Coding
- Principle of 4B3T Coding
- Sampling of Analog Signals and Signal Reconstruction
SWF applets - based on Shockwave Flash
- DMT – Discrete Multiton Transmission
- Frequency Shift Keying & Continuous Phase Modulation
- Mehrwegeausbreitung und Frequenzselektivität ⇒ "Multipath propagation and frequency selectivity"
- OFDM - Spektrum & Signale ⇒ "OFDM - Spectra and signals"
- OVSF-Codes ⇒ "OVSF codes"
- Prinzip der Discrete Multitone Transmission ⇒ "Principle of Discrete Multitone Transmission"
- Prinzip der Quadratur–Amplitudenmodulation ⇒ "Principle of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation"
- Qualität verschiedener Sprach–Codecs ⇒ "Quality of different speech codecs"
- QPSK und Offset-QPSK ⇒ "QPSK and offset QPSK"
- Zeitverhalten von Kupferkabeln ⇒ "Time behavior of copper cables"
$\text{Notes and tips for the HTML5/JS applets:}$
- After selecting the desired applet, a wiki description page appears with a brief description of its contents and user interface.
- At the top and bottom of this description page, there are links to the actual HTML5 applet.
- The HTML5/JS applets can be rendered by many browsers like Firefox, Chrome and Safari, as well as smartphones and tablets.
- The exercises and the corresponding sample solutions are also integrated into the applet.
- Attenuation of Copper Cables
- Bessel Functions of the First Kind
- Binomial and Poisson Distribution
- Capacity of Memoryless Digital Channels
- Coherent and Non-Coherent On-Off Keying
- Complementary Gaussian Error Functions
- Digital Filters
- Discrete Fouriertransform and Inverse
- Doppler Effect
- Eye Pattern and Worst-Case Error Probability
- Frequency & Impulse Responses
- Generation of Walsh functions
- Graphical Convolution
- Linear Distortions of Periodic Signals
- Matched Filter Properties
- Period Duration of Periodic Signals
- Physical Signal & Analytic Signal
- Physical Signal & Equivalent Low-pass Signal
- PDF, CDF, and Moments of Special Distributions
- Principle of Pseudo-Ternary Coding
- Principle of 4B3T Coding
- Pulses and Spectra
- Sampling of Analog Signals and Signal Reconstruction
- Two-dimensional Gaussian Random Variables
$\text{Notes and tips for the German HTML5/JS applets:}$
- After selecting the desired applet, a German wiki description page appears with a brief description of its contents and user interface.
- At the top and bottom of this description page, there are links to the actual German HTML5 applet.
- The HTML5/JS applets can be rendered by many browsers like Firefox, Chrome and Safari, as well as smartphones and tablets.
- The exercises and the corresponding sample solutions are also integrated into the applet.
- Das Gram-Schmidt-Verfahren ⇒ "Gram–Schmidt method"
- Entropie und Näherungen binärer Nachrichtenquellen ⇒ "Entropies and approximations of binary sources"
- Kausale Systeme und Laplacetransformation ⇒ "Causal Systems and Laplace Transform"
- Korrelation und Regressionsgerade ⇒ "Correlation and Regression Line"
- Zweidimensionale Laplace-Zufallsgrößen ⇒ "Two-dimensional Laplace Random Variables"
$\text{Notes and tips about SWF applets:}$
- Our previous SWF applications were programmed for Adobe Flash.
- Since the Flashplayer browser plugin is no longer supported for security reasons, these applets must be opened with the »projector version«.
- You don't need to install this program and it is not integrated into your browser. There are no security gaps in this respect $($as long as you trust the »LNTwww«$)$.
- On the WIKI pages for the above SWF applets you will find the projector version of the flash player and of course the applet itself.
- Unfortunately, these applets do not work on smartphones and tablets.
- All SWF applets use the German language.
- DMT – Discrete Multiton Transmission
- Eigenschaften des Synchrondemodulators ⇒ "Features of the synchronous demodulator"
- Einfluss einer Bandbegrenzung auf Sprache und Musik ⇒ "Influence of a band limitation on speech and music"
- Entropien von Nachrichtenquellen ⇒ "Entropy of binary and ternary sources"
- Entscheidungsrückkopplung ⇒ "Decision feedback equalization"
- Ereigniswahrscheinlichkeiten einer Markovkette ⇒ "Event probabilities of a Markov chain"
- Frequency Shift Keying & Continuous Phase Modulation
- Gram-Schmidt-Verfahren ⇒ "Gram-Schmidt method"
- Huffman-Shannon-Fano ⇒ "Coding according to Huffman and Shannon/Fano"
- Kausale Systeme - Laplacetransformation ⇒ "Causal systems - Laplace transform"
- Korrelationskoeffizient & Regressionsgerade ⇒ "Correlation coefficient and regression line"
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch-Algorithmen ⇒ "Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithms"
- Lineare Nyquistentzerrung ⇒ "Linear Nyquist equalization"
- Mehrstufige PSK & Union-Bound ⇒ "Multi-stage PSK and Union Bound"
- Mehrwegeausbreitung und Frequenzselektivität ⇒ "Multipath propagation and frequency selectivity"
- OFDM - Spektrum & Signale ⇒ "OFDM - Spectra and signals"
- OVSF-Codes ⇒ "OVSF codes"
- Optimale Entscheidungsregionen ⇒ "Optimal decision regions"
- Phasenlaufzeit & Gruppenlaufzeit ⇒ "Phase delay & group delay"
- Prinzip der Discrete Multitone Transmission ⇒ "Principle of Discrete Multitone Transmission"
- Prinzip der Quadratur–Amplitudenmodulation ⇒ "Principle of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation"
- Qualität verschiedener Sprach–Codecs ⇒ "Quality of different speech codecs"
- QPSK und Offset-QPSK ⇒ "QPSK and offset QPSK"
- Symbolfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von Digitalsystemen ⇒ "Symbol error probability of digital communications systems"
- Viterbi–Entscheider für einen Vorläufer ⇒ "Viterbi decider for one precursor"
- Zeitverhalten von Kupferkabeln ⇒ "Time behavior of copper cables"
- Zweidimensionale Laplaceverteilung ⇒ "Two-dimensional Laplace distribution"