Linear and Time Invariant Systems
From LNTwww
Based on the book "Signal Representation", here it is described how to mathematically capture the influence of a filter on deterministic signals.
- The book defines distortions and describes the Laplace transform for causal systems as well as the properties of electric leads.
- The filter influence on a random signal is covered later in Chapter 5 of the book "Theory of Stochastic Signals".
Here first a content overview on the basis of the four main chapters with a total of twelve individual chapters:
In addition to these theory pages, we also offer exercisess and multimedia modules on this topic, which could help to clarify the teaching material:
$\text{Further links:}$
$(1)$ $\text{Bibliography for the book}$
$(2)$ $\text{General notes about the book}$ (authors, other participants, materials as a starting point for the book, references)