Digital Signal Transmission
$\Rightarrow \hspace{0.5cm}\text{Only the first three chapters of this book have been translated so far.}$
The focus of this book is the Calculation of the Error Probability, which is the decisive quality feature for digital systems.
- The description is mainly in baseband, but most of the results can also be applied to digital carrier frequency systems.
- In order to understand the five chapters of this book, a basic knowledge of "Signal Representation" and "Stochastic Signal Theory" is assumed,  which you can acquire e.g. with the help of the first and third books of this tutorial series.
The subject matter corresponds to a $\text{lecture with three semester hours per week (sh/w) and two additional sh/w exercise}$.
Here is a table of contents based on the $\text{five main chapters}$ with a total of $\text{26 individual chapters}$.
- Signals, Basis Functions and Vector Spaces
- Structure of the Optimal Receiver
- Approximation of the Error Probability
- Carrier Frequency Systems with Coherent Demodulation
- Carrier Frequency Systems with Non-Coherent Demodulation$\hspace{0.5cm}\Rightarrow \hspace{0.5cm}\text{Not yet translated}$
- Parameters of Digital Channel Models
- Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC)$\hspace{0.5cm}\Rightarrow \hspace{0.5cm}\text{Not yet translated}$
- Bündelfehlerkanäle$\hspace{0.5cm}\Rightarrow \hspace{0.5cm}\text{Not yet translated}$
- Anwendungen bei Multimedia–Dateien$\hspace{0.5cm}\Rightarrow \hspace{0.5cm}\text{Not yet translated}$
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$\text{Weitere Links:}$
$(1)$ $\text{Literaturempfehlungen zum Buch}$
$(2)$ $\text{Allgemeine Hinweise zum Buch}$ (Autoren, Weitere Beteiligte, Materialien als Ausgangspunkt des Buches, Quellenverzeichnis)